Tuesday 6 December 2011

Production for Visual Communicators

Principle 3 – The Design workflow

Every visual communicator is given a brief from a client or lecturer and has to follow a time plan or the design workflow, this involves having a problem to solve or the design brief, then the next stage is the ideas, definition, research and facts, then there is the visualisation with images, illustrations and how to visualise it. Then there is the layouts to think about and what you main product is going to look like then finally how you are going to produce this.

This also involves how you go about doing things and is a very individual process and can be done differently depending on each individual person, and how you solve the problem that you have been faced with. There is also how much money you have because if you are doing this as a job you need to consider how much you are charging people for this and how much money you need to put in to create it, and not be too cheap or expensive.

The first stage that I did when we were given the brief was to brainstorm the brief and come up with some ideas on what our magazine was going to be about. By doing this it allows us to get loads of ideas down and then from there choose which are our strongest and best ideas to then brainstorm and research about that particular theme.
This is then the next stage which is researching in to our theme of graffiti and looking at artists who have done this sort of thing so that we can see the style and what the types of graffiti there are and have a better idea of the things which we can include in our magazine.
The next stage was to go out and take some photographs so that we have something which we can put in our magazine and then this shall give us an idea of the sorts of images our magazines can include and the type of images that could go with each articles and then ones that can go on their own.
Then this is evaluation the images to see what works and what doesn’t from the particular photo shoot which then allows us to plan our next one and what we can do differently.
The next stage I would create some front cover ideas in InDesign as this will allow us to get an idea of the style of our magazine and how it could look once it is finished. This all goes towards solving the problem of our magazine.

These are then some layouts of how our magazine could look, and this allows us to use the idea of double page spread images and see what images work with which articles and how it works as a magazine.
The design workflow is all about how you go about solving problems and the stages in which you do it the better your workflow the better the problem shall be solved at the end of it.

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