Wednesday 21 March 2012

Moving image 3

The Work of Director Chris Cunningham

1.     How did Bjork and Chris collaborate on the All is full of love video?

Chris and Bjork were mutual friends in London and after the Aphex Twin there had been suggestions for this new video. They then collaborated to create All is full of love, they used different lights so it would be bright white and clean like heaven and then a bit darker and change of light to represent lust. They came up with storyboards and then improved on them. Bjork wrote the song and Chris directed the video, it was made from quite a few stills and then once the computer graphics had been done they realised it worked well in the end.

2. What techniques were used on the portishead video to create the unusual slow motion effects.?

In the portishead video they were filmed underwater which is why the hair falls the way it does and then after they were put in to the alley and using different video techniques allowed them to be really sped up or in very slow motion which created different effects throughout the video.

3. What other music video directors have gone on to direct feature films? Name two and the feature films they have made.

Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris directed music videos such as Georges Meilies “A trip to the moon” and then went on to direct Little Miss Sunshine in 2006.

Marc Webb is another music video director since 1997 he was directed music videos for My Chemical Romance, Good Charlotte, Yellowcard, Green Day and several more but he then went on to direct the film 500 days of summer in 2009.

4. Which famous sci - fi film did Chris Cunningham’s work on before he became a director?

In 1992 a sci-fi film called Alien3 was created and Chris Cunningham worked on the special effects and created the aliens.

5. What makes his work different or original compared to other similar directors?

His work is different to other similar directors as he has a very distinctive style and you can often spot straight away the work of Chris Cunningham, people can often get upset or offended by some of his work. He also has quite a futuristic look to his work such as the video “All is full of love” and he also likes manipulation and likes to make things a bit odd or have a sci-fi look to them.

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