Sunday 13 November 2011

Development of ideas and structures in moving image

Principle 3 pre-production Character Design

Every character has to be designed and there is a process in which the person designing the character has to go through. The main things are the dialogue so this is how the character speaks and what they say so if they have a catchphrase or something in which they are known for saying. Are they are a stereotype, this is a good way of creating characters as it is someone who everyone can relate to. There is also what the character looks like and their appearance then the actions and what they do and lastly the interaction with other characters.

A really good example of character design is Vicky Pollard from Little Britain, this is a definite stereotype of a teenager with attitude and someone who is very “chavy.” When they designed this character they got inspiration from people on the streets and have made her to be a funny character and someone who people can relate to.    

As you can see from this image her appearance is always a pink jacket and leggings she also has lots of rings and false nails. She wears lots of gold which also adds to her character and can look a bit cheep and tacky. Just by looking at her you can tell she has attitude.

This is another image of Vicky Pollard and you can see what she is like just by seeing the image which is how they have used a stereotype to make the character memorable. She has a lot of memorable quotes and sayings and she speaks very incorrect and fast and quote common. This is a quote from Vicky Pollard “No, but, yeh, but, no, but,, what are they doin' on our patch or sumthin' or nuffin' or sorta like thing coz they is well gonna get beat-ins!” By missing the g of the ends of the words allows her to have a specific dialogue and she also gets herself in to trouble by saying about someone who was gossiping and then ends up saying something she has done.
This is an image of her with her mom and as you can see they have the same style but different colours and they both use the same speech and dialogue so you can tell they are related and are both created from the same stereotype.

The interaction with them and the other characters they end up getting theirself in trouble and the dialogue is a huge thing with the interaction with other characters and because this is a comedy series it is based on stereotypes and people who will be memorable and you defiantly remember Vicky Pollard as she is a very well created Character.
This is an image of a group of characters from Little Britain and you can see how they all appear different and look different and they all have different rolls within the series and they show how you can create a variety of different characters and by their interactions with each other and their speech and quotes they can be very memorable. To say that most of these characters are done by Mat Lucas and David Walliams makes it even more interesting and the fact that it is played mainly by two people and they can still look so different and have individual characters is really good.

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