Sunday 16 October 2011

Principle 1 Notions of Originality

When somebody creates an image it has a lot to do with the time they created it and what was going on at that time. There is also the question of is this an original image or have they been inspired by something or someone else. In some images you can see a big link between the two images and that it is almost as if they have copied the image, sometimes people copy an image intentionally but try to add their own twist to it.

Each image is created with an audience in mind and this will affect what the image is of, the people who it is aimed at, and what the image is for. Images also have meaning and context so we can understand why the image was created and the effect that it has on people can all be different depending on each individual.

Matteo Bertolio – Tank Magazine -
                                                                                Andy Warhol – Marylin -1962

These are two images by two different artists and in different times, one was created in 1962 and the other in 2004. The difference in time is going to show a difference within the image to start with because people and artists have changed and developed from those times. They can use different techniques and intensions. This is both the same kind of idea and you can see how one of them would have been inspired by the other one as they are both of similar styles and made to look as though it is the same person as they have bright colours and the same hair colour and style.
The more you look at an image the more you realise and find out and the more you get from the actual image. It is a lot more understandable as well the more you look at it and you may like or dislike the image but understanding why you like or dislike it allows you to find out things about yourself and how images effect everyone differently. We can see the similarities between these two images however they can both be original and you can see by the times the differences between the images although one artist may have been inspired by the other.

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