Monday 3 October 2011

Utilize your creative brain

Principle Two

Utilize your creative brain

Our brains are split in to two halves, the left side and the right side. The left side of the brain is the very academic side and deals with organisation, numbers, critical thinking and questioning. Then there is the right side of the brain which is the creative half and this side of the brain is more like the child within us and is very playful, curious, creative, innocent and experimental. These are both opposites, however we need both sides all the time and can switch between sides without really thinking about it.

Both sides of our brain are very useful for work within our RVJ’s as we can experiment and draw and be creative using the right side of our brain and then we can reflect on what we have came up with and the questions we need to ask with the left side of our brains. By using both sides of the brain this allows us to play/evaluate and then to be spontaneous/focused.

This is an example of an image which shows both the left and the right side of the brain in conflict as your right brain tries to say the colour and the left insists on reading the word. This shows how both sides of the brain do different things and this is something that could be set as a challenge because by looking at this it is a bit confusing and both sides of your brain want to put their part first and say either the colour or the word.  This makes us have to try really hard to do this challenge but then at the same time it is just a bit of fun and shows the two different halves of the brain.

This is an image that could be in an RVJ and by looking at this image it shows that someone has been creative and used the right side of their brain to create this image. Then by challenging it or questioning it the left half of the brain would be asking what is it for? Who is it for? What will it achieve? The left side of the brain then allows us to evaluate our creativity and just by using a few words to annotate the image and explain these questions it allows the left brain and the right brain to work together and both be satisfied.  
When we look at an image it allows us to feel something, so that would be the right side but then asking why it makes us feel like this and is that the purpose of the image would then be the left side of the brain. Images are there to visually communicate something and by using our brain to let us look and see things differently and to be able to experiment ourselves allows us to use both halves of our brain. It just shows how we need both halves and use them all the time without really realising that we are using them.

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